Get visibility into IP spend and gain control
Our IP spend audit analysis will help you to make important budget decisions by providing insights into how your budget is spent.
We can also tailor our invoice management to cater to the needs of corporates and law firms.
Maintain a balanced budget by keeping all your legal/IP related expenses organized and under control
Optimize your existing processes by proactively identifying and analyzing potential gaps
Identify differences between different vendors who provide the same category of services
Consolidate spend by category to reduce costs and leverage purchasing control
Gain greater insight to enable better decision-making
Ensure invoices comply with contracts to avoid inconsistencies
Analyze and benchmark each category of expenses in a structured manner
Enabling corporations and law firms to grow, transform and become more efficient by providing:
Flexible and expert paralegal support across all stages of IP lifecycle
Reliable execution, fast turnaround times and cost-effective results
Services trusted by the world’s most innovative companies and law firms
Accessibility Tools