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MaxVal Provides Enhanced Automation Capabilities in Latest Release of Max-IDS™ 4.3


The new version of Max-IDS™ 4.3 harnesses the power of automation to provide a faster and simpler approach.

Below are the noteworthy value-adds in this release:

New Features

  • IDS Package: Eliminate multiple steps and manually putting together IDS packages by auto generating IDSs along with the references to be submitted with PTO in a single click. The packages are generated as a zip. files with the IDS available in word/PDF formats.


  • PAIR Auto-upload: Increase efficiency by automatically updating the IDS package (IDS and the references associated with them) to PAIR from Max-IDS directly.
    • NOTE: This is a premium feature and MyUSPTO account should be linked with Max-IDS


  • Import with Family/References: Significantly reduce the time to track family details by automatically importing the family details using just the patent/publication number. The cited references from issued patents are also automatically included, providing easy access to available patent statuses and citations.
    • NOTE: This is a premium feature.


  • Scheduled reports: Get timely updates and insights by scheduling reports to be auto-delivered to recipients on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. It reduces the time taken to create a query every time a report needs to be generated and distributed.


Enhancements to Existing Features

  • Add Category to References: Categories like X, Y, A, etc. can be added to references while associating or in the detailed view.



  • Copy Source Comments: Seamlessly copy all source comments from the source to the newly associated dockets. The user can choose to copy source comments and date automatically every time a record is compared or associated.


  • Add References in Cited State: References can be directly added in cited state from the “Association of Records” window.


For more information on the new release, please reach out to our team. Learn about the latest IDS management tips and tricks straight from the experts. Stay ahead of the curve with our insights!


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